Emz sketchbook

By Emz

September challenge Day 28 - A good thing

Mega tired after a restless sleep after graduation last night but still got myself out to the museum for weekly drawing.
I think this is a good thing for me to get out and be able to practice drawing. I do find it tough going sometimes though as I get put off by people going past and watching what i'm doing over my shoulder as well as there being so much choice at the museum it's hard to often know where to start. But once you get past that bit and find something to draw its a good feeling having a few new sketches. Makes me feel productive and that I am progressing in my drawing rather than doing nothing.
Today I wandered about taking photographs (avoiding my favourite animal section) until I found the Egyptian section where I drew Anubis. I've put the sketches up on my blog if you fancy taking a look too.
Round the corner was the lower jaws of a whale (I've forgotten the name of). The sheer size is magnificent to see. It's mouth was about the length of 5 of me! I thought the reflections of the windows was going to ruin the picture but I think it's actually given it quite a nice effect!

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