As I was Passing the Harbour

13.2C with heavy showers all morning then a long bright spell through the middle of the day. More showers and rain forecast. Moderate WNW/NW breeze with occasional gusts to 37 mph.

I went for a walk after lunch. I went round to the harbour, had a wander round the old quay, then went out along Kilkerran Road.

I turned at Glenramskill House and came back the same way then along the street side of the park and came home through town passing the town hall and the bookshop (open - odd on a Wednesday afternoon).

On the Clip while walking:
Runrig. Mara. Amazing Things.

Afternoon music ... Bob Seger. Greatest Hits.

E-PL5 f/10 1/640 sec. ISO-200 14mm

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