
By AlrightFlower


Sorry, bit of a rubbish pic today - it's the wrong kind of light... This is where I've spent much of today, resting some and working some (though the remote connection and lack of mouse makes things more difficult) - it was lovely not to have the 6am start and the 45 minute journey this morning.

I tootled to the supermarket in my 'lunch hour', hoping that it would be quiet as it was during the day - not a prayer, the car park was full so I had to pay over the road. I only had one pound coin with me, which of course the machine wouldn't accept, so I had to faff about getting change, then huff and puff while trying to dodge round the pensioners and wanderers in the supermarket. Two flippin' hours!!

On the plus side, I think I've solved a problem we were having with a template, and I've bought in a lot of food for a massive cook-a-thon this weekend. Hope I've got enough tupperware (and energy!).


ps the slippers are from Animal - mum and dad bought them for me years ago and, though on one level I think they're ridiculous, they'll have to be falling apart off my feet before I get rid of them. And they do wonders for chilly toes!

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