The Lizard King

We really have had a relaxing day today - after breakfast we had an hour on the sun loungers by the pool, I had a swim, and then we went for a stroll to a gorgeous cove not far from the hotel, where the water was turquoise.

On our way, we saw this chap who posed very nicely for me :-). Alan's been listening to The Doors while we've been here, and Jim Morrison (the lead singer) wrote a poem that appeared on an album cover, called the Celebration of the Lizard. There was a line in it 'I am the Lizard King, I can do anything' - hence my title.

After lunch we went to the beach that Alan found on his walk yesterday, it was a little sandy cove with more turquoise water, and not very busy. The sea was full of fish, and when we stood still in the water, we got a fishy pedicure as they swam up to us and nibbled at our feet!

It's been a lovely day, and tonight we're booked into the al la carte restaurant at the hotel, so are looking forward to that, then tomorrow's our last day!

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