Flower Lady

This lady from the village was foraging for fallen fruit and nuts when I met her at the outset of my walk and cutting fresh flowers when I encountered her again later. I used my "ask permission as you take the shot" approach and fired off a short burst at 4fps.  She seemed happy enough.  N and I had a long, laughter filled, lunch with P and J, but as we were leaving I couldn't find my car keys.  We searched everywhere without success.  We turned out pockets and handbags.  We retraced steps and did a reenactment of our arrival.  We turned out bags again still to no avail.  Only then did I remember that I had brought a coat and hung it up in the hall.  The keys were in the pocket of course.  But during the search I gashed my head on a cupboard edge and had to receive treatment from nurse Janice.  At least I was nowhere near as bad as P who is still sporting surgical plasters after his fall at Toulouse airport.

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