Not so Wild Wednesday!

With all the weather warnings around for yesterday and today, I thought we would be in for a bit of a wild time. Ok, there were a couple of heavy showers, but nothing dramatic!

Update on last night's adventure: The police phoned the local hotel in Kirk Yetholm to ask them to be aware of the lady that I had reported and Sarah-Jane, who works there, went outside and found her wandering around. She was taken into the hotel and given a cup of tea before the police sergeant arrived and drove her back to Kelso to reunite her with her travelling companion. I got a call from the police later on to thank me on their behalf for my diligence.

Update on my iPhone: It is insured, but to send it away for a few days to get fixed meant I had to get another handset as I really wouldn't like to be without it when I'm driving, so I popped into the shop in Gala that sells second hand handsets. However, they also fix phones, so I left mine with them for an hour and it is now as good as new. And all for £59, which is less than the excess on my policy.

The blip tonight is JJ, of course. She was being a little wild earlier, honest, but had settled down for a kip by the time I brought out the camera.

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