Worst mummy in the world

Usually I can cope with the hats of mummy and working.
Today I feel I failed!

Dropped wom off
Had two hours of safe guarding training tonight, it started late, thus finished late.

I left work at 5:45, got to nursery at 5:53. I heard him before I could see him. He was sobbing, crying for mummy. He was distraught. He was in the room with just two orange ladies. Everyone else had gone home. He saw me, ran open arms to me, climbed up into me and buried his head. I got him into the car and he was asleep by the time I had reached the crossroads (3 minutes)

Munchie was picked up my auntie sarah so she was ok. She had had a blast. Got her into the bath, pjs on, bedtime routine done and asleep just after normal time.

Tomorrow, however is a new day. I get to take Munchie to school, I get to pick her up, I get to spend the day with wom. Not everyone is lucky enough to do this.

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