Squirrel in the rhus tree

I've been aware of several jays flying along the line of trees at the bottom the back gardens this afternoon. Typically they are fleeting, flashing motions caught out of the corner of my eyes. I decided to stand in the window of my office space looking out across the valley towards Thrupp, a scene I never tire of. The light was good as the sun returned between the really heavy downpours of rain we have had all day.

I did manage to catch a couple of shots of the jays flying, but they were far away and not really in focus. While i waited i watched the birds flying in and out of the rhus tree in search of the sunflower seeds  and suet pellets I feed them with in the n=hanging bird feeders.

At one point a squirrel, one of several roaming the back gardens and the tree, leapt down from the roof of our cabin and climbed into the rhus tree. They are always hoping to find a way to get their share of the seeds, but the feeders are mostly squirrel proof. I am not a  fan of squirrels, especially the grey variety, but today I liked the light shining through the leaves from the setting sun.

I also feel I want to acknowledge the sad demise of Squirrelisimo, star of Max Ellis' wonderful scenes, which I am sure you have all seen. He'd be welcome to take some of ours. 

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