Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Everything he hoped for and more

4 days in shadowing the Ranger and Sam is struggling to think he has only 1 day left and will be back in the confines of a classroom next week. He has loved every second and absorbed every insight, without exception. Here's the Southern Hawker dragonfly he liberated from the clutches of a large water boatman today. Just one moment out of so many.

It's been an action packed week of outdoor work and learning on the job: walking up and over Bennachie, learning about the social history of crofting clearances, about leading groups, about dry stane dyking, mammal traps, ranger services and roles, study routes, interpretation displays, camera trails, recording, inspection, pond dipping, forestry, land management. He must be doing okay, there may be future volunteering opportunities coming his way this summer. Sam and all of us are so grateful to the Garioch Ranger and her colleagues.

In an anxious world, what rare and utter joy it is to see your own kid's happiness index go through the roof.

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