Birds of a Feather

I've had X-rays X-rays, ct scans X-rays MRI X-rays MRI in that order this week. These are two of the lads who have been wheeling me around. Have started to feel a bit better in myself though the location of the "problem" is still an issue. I am having anti biotics via a drip twice per day and twice per night so am missing out on much sleep. To cap it all I am still unable to walk because of the pain. With help of morphine and Tramadol I am just about with you.

Sorry I'm not commenting at the mo but hopefully when I get home / if I get home I will restart. Thanks for all of your goodwill messages it's very much appreciated.

As you know we were due to go away today but on Drs orders we have cancelled.

today's MRI has been the worst of all scans

Cooler day

R x

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