Damp (Day 862)

It was raining when we got up this morning, but the dogs didn't seem to mind the thick sheets of rain which were blown along on a cold breeze as they re-acquainted the themselves with their territory.
A bit later I spent a while zooming backwards and forwards to the dump getting rid of a load of rubbish from various jobs which always seems to accumulate in the garage.
After lunch, my beautiful wife and I took the dogs to Wasdale where it rained and the options for photography were very limited.
As HV zoomed off to work I went to look at a job - a leak which has been going on for a while has ruined a floor and the customer wants to take the opportunity to have the en-suite re-fitted. A look under the floor revealed some fairly awful plumbing which will all need to be put right when and if the job is done. I spent a fair while pricing stuff up with Alasdair, before heading to HV's work to put up a mirror for her.
Back home it was still damp, but the rain was clearing. I have missed the view from our garden.

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