View From The Study

By StudyView

The Saga Continues

Old pipework never fully sorted in 100 years of change, keeps springing leaks. This section came out this morning and some new plastic went in. We think it is the overflow from 3 flats ups' cold water tank, but who knows. Doesnt seem to go anywhere, and the pipe has now ruptured twice due to pressure; once above us and this time below. So, we have a new set of damaged floorboards, a bill and the chance to get flooded again; hooray. Nice plumber Darren though sorted it all out, and we no longer have the sound of running water under the floor.

Tomorrow, to Glasgow transport museum on the Clyde for the first time. My car is on display. Proper hooray. Meeting some more Scottish DS owners, and take some snaps. Then dinner and Looper in the evening with kids at grandparents. Lovely.

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