Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Welcome home Greg

Greg Rutherford had his homecoming tour in Woburn Sands today. The long jump gold medallist greeted the crowds before riding on an open top bus through the town.

Discovering J had taken the buggy to work in the boot of the car we thought we would have to give the celebration a miss until a friend reminded me about my wrap carrier. I've not put L in there since she was 1 year old but it was really nice to have her that close to me again. It gives you such independence to have them tied to your torso, leaving your hands free for herding children #1 & #2.

There was a super atmosphere as Greg set off so I was glad we made the long trek there. I'm going to check the local news in a bit to see if we made the cut lol.

Woke up with my arms aching so bad from the exercises last night that it hurt to put my deodorant on. All that hard work must be doing something.

Swimming this morning and L was much more confident in the water. She even looked somewhat swimming like at times. Yipee!

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