Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Double delight

After yesterdays very bad day, i was hoping for a bit of better one today.

As i said yesterday, there was a small window when my good lady wife would be home to receive my new iPhone. Guess what, the man arrived 5 mins after she left. Luckily enough he phoned me in work, I asked him to drop it off at my next door neighbours, either side i said, he said he would phone me back. When he phoned back he said neither was there, OMG i thought, just give it to anyone in the street i told him, someone should be in. Thankfully he found someone 4 doors down the road, phew, that was close, i might of had to wait till wednesday if i didnt get it today. So now its play time with my new toy.

Delight number 2 was when Dragons beat Edinburgh in tonights game, woohoo, a win, loves it i do.

Tonights image is of Dan Evans, Newport Gwent dragons full back.

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