A slow day for photographs so here’s one of where I’m spending some time, a good read on the Face of Britain, by Simon Schama. It’s a gentle stroll through portraiture in Britain, from regal selfies to socialite snaps. Apparently, when Graham Sutherland was painting Winston Churchill’s portrait Churchill asked, “How will you paint me, the bulldog or the cherub?” Sutherland’s reply was fantastic …. “Why sir, that depends on what you show me.”

We are born to look, to stare, to see. Apparently, (I haven’t checked this out yet) a 6 month old baby has all the cerebral equipment necessary to process visual recognition of faces, and it is as complete as is needed for the rest of their lives. We see faces before we see anything else.

Also, apparently, we make informed judgments on whether we trust someone within one eight of a second of seeing their face.


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