My Great Success Story

By SavvyStereo

Shining Satellite and Silhouettes

The moon was very bright tonight. I wanted to get a nice photo of it creeping behind the clouds but by the time I got round to taking a photo the clouds were clearing.

So, instead of getting another standard moon shot I thought I'd go for something a little different. I like the bright shine coming off the moon and the spectrum with the faint stars and the silhouettes of the bushes. I had another photo that showed the light pollution on the horizon but I just about preferred this one.

Today has been a nice relaxed one. I feel these days are severely numbered. Woke up late, went to fresher's fayre (signed up for photography, climbing, snow sports and table tennis). We then headed to Nandos then back to Aldershot road for some ping pong. Sensing a quiet night in Guildford I headed back home to watch Lord Of War (a good film, despite being a Nick Cage one) with Courtney.

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