As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Vasu Has Ladies, Brent Knows Ladies

In Italian, Kenny and I made a tattoo to represent our was just a lot of bs. I took my first AP Physics test today, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! I got 13/15 multiple choice right, while the class average was 11.5. Our teacher hasn't graded the Part 2's yet, and I think I did poorly on those, but still! 13 right! In APUSH, we took a joke of a date test. I got a lot of soul journal pages done in health and we over-complicated a relatively simple concept in math.

After school we had a surprise bake sale for Aly! Aly is raising money to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this October with her father. This summer, Aly's mom lost her long battle with breast cancer, and Aly and her father are doing this walk in her memory. The cross country team decided to get together and have a bake sale and donate the proceeds to Aly's fundraising mission. We made over $200! Every little bit helps, so if you can afford to donate any amount, please just click on the link and donate!

We ran an easy three at practice because today is a pre-meet day. Tomorrow, we will be running in the Six Flags Wild Safari 5k! We run a 5k in the safari and then get discounted tickets to the park! Michelle and Scott hosted a pasta party tonight and it was great. I impressed the freshmen by driving to it, sucked at basketball, and made other people feel uncomfortable with Aly. The food was great, but the company was better!

I feel like I have a cold. Not good for tomorrow...

First blip that I've been in in a while...or at least it feels like it.

Word of the Day: Fiducial - Based on or having trust

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