
By BrackenOE


thank goodness we have turned a corner after a not very good day yesterday of continual whining due to anaesthetic effects and discomfort. We took Bracken back to the Vet who gave him an injection of Tramadol hopefully to ease any pain in his mouth. Even though he had no extractions one of his back teeth under the gum had a slight infection which he is on a 5 day course of antibiotics. No doubt with the cleaning a nerve was probably disturbed which made him very uncomfortable. At least he did show interest in soft foods yesterday but he seemed very disorientated so I think he is just one of those dogs who doesn't take too well to anaesthetic and takes longer to recover. He is still a bit slow on his feet but this is the first time he has shown interest in one of his soft balls as I think his mouth must still be a little bit sore! Appetite seems back to normal as he back to screeching for his food when its prepared!

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