Day 3

The picture is from another of my wee projects on this trip into the wilds ....... pictures through the windows of the cottage.
This was the evening light after a day heading up to Durness.

On the way up we stopped at a waterfall where somebody - in drier conditions I suspect - had done a wee bit of stone stacking. We would not have been able to get to that point!

At Durness beach the waves were high and the wind was strong. A good combination for crashing waves and wind blown spray ... not so much fun for keeping sand and salt water off the camera and lens/filter.
I made my way out onto the wee bridge at the bottom of this shot to try and get a slightly different angle ......... slippery, tricky, narrow and not conditions for a tripod.
So I headed back up onto the headland and took some shots using filters to give a slow shutter speed.

After we were finished there we headed along to Smoo Cave  -- a big hole in the cliff (not particullary deep) with a couple of holes in the roof - one of which has a a river dropping through it. Apparently it is not normally that impressive and there should be a boat trip taking you behind the waterfall into another cavern, however, there was just too much water to put on the trips. 
Taking pictures of the waterfall was virtually impossible due to the spray which was blasting round the corner and out into the main cave.
I had uncovered the camera for about half a second and still had to stand in the main cave and spend ages drying it and the lens.
Still, I liked the lighting looking out.

On the way home we stopped at Keodale where you get the ferry and then the minibus to the lighthouse at Cape Wrath -- there is no vehicular access to the area, so either get the ferry and walk to the lighthouse (11 miles) or you get the minibus. The good news is that there is a 24 hour cafe there!!!!

This shot shows how remote living can be in this part of the world.
It also shows how the light was trying to break through the (by now) solid grey.

Chicken Lady and I thought we would try and race the sun to the horizon
Here it is just pouring out of the clouds into the sea - but some of it managed to reach the cliff before diffusing over the waves.
Turning round, the pink light was blending beautifully with the pink of the rock.

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