Singing Saudades

First of all, birthday wishes for our youngest, who is 22 today; glad she's in Sutton with the rest of the family to celebrate... what a joy she has been to us...

Our Sabbath - a walk along a road out of town we'd not walked before - quite different from anywhere else - all pine trees; welcome shade. 

Stopped in at Adega on way back, the men were singing... It's when you see a well-dressed city woman sitting there and her eyes fill with tears as she mouths the words they're singing - you wonder what she's remembering... and if we'll ever really understand this culture...

And then the dilemma - the pine trees or the men singing?? But I've blipped them before... mind you, it was before we moved here, so will put one as an extra if you want to look - amusing how the one in the straw hat sang with a toothpick in his mouth.

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