And there's the joy it brings
Again.... the day has gone so fast I don't know where it went. Am thinking that maybe I should have a three day weekend just so that'll l can catch a little of it!
Up sharp and off to the allotment... weeding and the erection of another net frame. Quick bumble back to the car and home,.. then we headed out to Homebase for more fertiliser, soil and grit. A quick jaunt round 'm&s' and then home.
Front lawn cut.... left edge strimmed, raked, strimmed, raked, strimmed, raked. Yes. That many times... painting, strimming (more strumming).
Stacking of wood, moving of chairs, more strumming more lawns.... oh dear heavens when we stopped. It was five o'clock. Shower each, and then my body stopped.
Am aching from top to toe and now the sun is disappearing am shivering and eyeing up His lap for a quick snooze
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