
Dear Princess Normal & Fat Pete,

I’m still waking up early. The little guys have trained me well. As soon as it gets light here, I am awake. And anyway, it is rather pleasant. Our new flat looks down into a deep gully with lots of trees and massive ferns. The only sound we hear is the wind, which WHOOSHED around the flat on our first night here. 

I know Wellington is windy, but even the locals told us it was wilder than usual yesterday. However, by this morning it had subsided and all was quiet apart from unfamiliar birdsong. Apparently, there are a lot of tuis in the area and they have a lovely doo-dee-doo-dee-doop-doop song that charms me every time I hear it.

Because no-one else was awake I thought I would take the opportunity to take a walk and see if I could get my bearings. Feefs had driven us around and around yesterday, but I think there is no better way to understand the lay of the land than to walk it. I found that our flat is about five minutes’ walk to the Beehive and then around the corner is Lambton Quay. In my head that is the “Princes Street” of Wellington. I was pleased because that means I can pop into town easily and there’s a big supermarket there. I don’t MIND buying groceries online but I much prefer to be able to see and touch things.

PLUS – the supermarket is right next to the entrance to the cable car! This morning I avoided the hideous climb back up Mount Aurora Terrace to our flat and instead took the cable car up to Salamanca Street with the aim of walking DOWNHILL to Aurora.

Oh. Wait. Even though Salamanca Street is above us, I still have to go UP first, THEN back down. This city is effed-up with hills. But it was nowhere near as bad as a straight climb up Aurora. Plus, the cable car is loads of fun, cheap and halfway up you get a little light-show as you go through a tunnel!

The rest of our day was pretty much a repeat of the day before. More shopping! Feefs drove us to Harvey Norman where they have learned to LOVE Feefs. “Hi! I’m back!” she announced. This time we bought a big eff-off tv (to be delivered on Monday) and mobile phones so we can get on an NZ phone plan.

But our BIG news of the day is that we are getting the boys back a day early! They are arriving tomorrow! We are all VERY excited about this – especially Feefs who cannot WAIT to meet them. So, we spent a good portion of the day “cattifying” the place in their honour.

In the evening, I set up the projector again, and let Er Indoors have an evening of “Law & Order” on the wall while me & Feefs went to see “It” at the cinema.

“Yay! I’ve got my horror buddy back!” said Feefs. We both liked the film, but agreed that it wasn’t THAT scary. It was fun seeing in a big crowd though. There were lots of shrieks and jumps, followed by nervous laughter. Feefs and I agreed that they were horror-amateurs, clearly.

By the time we got back, Er Indoors was tired. There were cat-blankets, cat-toys and cat hidey-holes everywhere. I know the little guys will be a little freaked out when they arrive, but at least they will have lots of nice places to hide. And lots of tuis to look at. I can’t wait.


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