The Barn

Not really a barn but that's what we call it.  A large unheated and "well ventilated" storage area, built as a continuation of The Red House and with two floors.
When I started my roof project it was fairly tidy but over the summer it has grown less and less so. In my defence I seem to have an order in the disorder and it rarely takes more than a few seconds to locate anything I need.
We feel very lucky to have such a place and I really find it hard to imagine how we'd manage without it. As well as being a tool shed it also provides storage for many pairs of skis, several sledges, snow shovels, life-jackets, kayak paddles, assorted wood, a 50 year-old chest freezer that we only use in the winter, gardening equipment, spare doors, bicycles, and, of course, a selection of undefined junk.
We don't have a garage but I understand our barn fills the same roll as the garage does in more suburban setting.
It's my blip today because I'd worked outside until after dark (Jan, HD, blipped me as darkness fell) and as I was putting the last few things away I realised I the lights made it a suitable subject for a picture.
The extra shows a small part of the harvest.  Jan did a lot of gardening today, preparing the garden for autumn and our trip away.
She also harvested her peas. We ate so many of these with our tea tonight!!

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