Flat-capped in the Forest

I went for a walk today, in the woods. It was peaceful and quiet and although there were dog walkers, joggers, cyclists and young families about, I felt totally alone.
The silence was deafening.
It allowed me to start thinking, which I appreciate could well be a dangerous thing, but sometimes I don't feel that we do enough of it. Just thinking. Allowing concepts, conversations, actions and behaviours to run wild through our undisturbed heads.
So here's the thing, the thoughts.
As humans we have the most amazing capacity to be whatever we want to be, but I reckon that some of us, as beings, have a considerable amount of pre-programming that doesn't always sit well with what the rest of our person has become. So we are effectively fighting ourselves to change, adapt, become something, someone different. A nicer person, less judgemental, kind and considerate, patient. Or perhaps a more confident person, carefree and almost cocky. Or even a tougher person, more independently sure and not afraid of others even if they do get in the way.
I think this is just normal, what people do. Whichever way people try to change, positive or negative it's just how we are. Then there's always another person, who we are attracted to, love spending time with, adore. Isn't that brilliant, that as beings we have this huge capacity to love and be loved?
Yet how does it work if everyone is fighting themselves to change? Are we changing for ourselves or someone else? Is it actually possible to change? Should we not just try and accept ourselves as ourselves before we try and accept others? Is it about one person changing or about two working together to adapt and accept?
I don't have any answers yet, I'm not sure I will ever have. But it's what was going around my head today.
I'm not even sure if I should be voicing it, should these thoughts not stay in my head, under my flat cap and float around a bit more?
I suppose I should not have taken my cap off then.

That is all.

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