Out of mine
Spent today very much out of my comfort zone! 60 Minute Makeover has been lying to us! The house is upside down whilst we decorate and it's messing with my chemicals! I desperately need to give the place a thorough clean! The lounge was tackled today and involved painting over a decorative piece I'd designed- four coats later and it no longer existed! I'm planning a new Bansky piece in its place to fit in with the other.
I had the dreaded task of glossing the woodwork- I really dislike it! For someone who's particular about cleanliness, I'm terrible when it comes to paint! It gets everywhere!
I was relieved when it was time for The roast dinner with The mother and Li'l sis'!
We allowed ourselves time for a cup of tea afterwards before heading home to finish off. After tidying up the decorators' mess, I settled to prep work on comfort zones for school!
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