
By momcat1

The Unexpected Hitch hiker

We stopped at black Moshannon State Park in Pa today for some short hikes before coming home. (It was one of those places my Aunt always mentioned and said we should go to but never did, at least together anyway.) There is a bog trail , and I must admit I do find bogs fascinating. The peat is supposed to be 4 feet thick here at the short bog trail (the long was was 8-ish miles- past my endurance level I am afraid) . What   I  wanted to do was  to look for some of the carnivorous plants , especially  sundews. We did not see any , though the whole area was covered with low and high bush blueberries , sphagnum moss, rhododendrons and marsh grasses , and lots of other things I cannot identify . I did find some very large pitcher plants ( see extras), which I have seen before. Do I want to see them eating a bug? Not really ,but there is something about seeing new things....
We did see 5 or so red spotted purple butterflies, which I will probably post later this week since I only get out on weekends now. The post for the day though has to be the hitch hiker on Glenn's shoe. I don't know if it got tired or found the smell enchanting , but it stayed till he started to walk .
I later had one of the purples land on my camera .
I did not post yesterday because we were at the PSU-Ga State game and for some reason my phone refused to send that photo ( taken on the phone), either from the game, the hotel room  or in the car today. It must be a  closet Ga State fan.

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