Kiwi Crash Course

Dear Princess Normal & Fat Pete,

Today was a more low-energy sort of a day. I think because Feefs left today and she is such a bundle of energy and enthusiasm that now she is gone it's like the lazy switch has been flipped in my head.

That is not to say that NOTHING happened today. First of all, we got our wi-fi so Er Indoors and I have rejoined you lot in the 21st century. For a moment there, it was the early 1990's in our flat again, where we had to look things up IN BOOKS. Or use the ACTUAL PHONE.


Secondly, Big Eff-Off Curved Telly has arrived. She is a thing of beauty. I cannot wait for night to fall and we will put on "Die Hard" or "Predator" or "Under Siege" or "Speed" or "Commando" or "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan".

Now that I have typed it, it has to be Star Trek 2. Yes it does.

So that was today. A breathe-out sort of a day.

You can see above that I celebrated my new Kiwidom by eating Kiwi things. I had a pie (not very nice - a bit cardboardy) a can of L&P (not bad, but I can take it or leave it) and a packet of Toffee-Pops which are BEAUTIFUL.

It is possible that I may send you some at Christmas. Or maybe I will just eat them all myself. You can have the pie.


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