
We drove our visitors to Aggstein, a ruined castle on the banks of the Danube in the Wachau. There was a market being held there which I had seen advertised on a friend's FB page. It was a cold, drizzly day but the fort was amazing. It dates back to the 12th century, built to secure the passage of ships on the Danube. It underwent several reincarnations after frequent attacks until it fell into decline after the death of the last owner in the 17th century. 
Despite the rain there were a few stoic market stalls selling produce and we bought some olives, cheese and meats. A wurst and bread warmed us up before heading off to Melk Abbey - see extra for George getting into the local cuisine.
I made traditional meat dumplings and sauerkraut for dinner washed down with wine from the region we went to today.
See link to Flickr for more

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