Mono Monday ~ Memory
Things wrong with this image:
1. for those across the pond.....the spelling is wrong (or is it? This wouldn't
work the way you spell!)
2. wrong week
Things right with this image:
1. it is mono
2. you have to have a memory to play this game
3. I remember many happy hours playing this game
4. I spent a lot of time thinking this through, finding the letters, setting it up
and shooting it.
5. I am sticking with this!!
I had to laugh when I looked up the challenge to get the tag number and realized that I looked at the wrong week initially. What's a blipper to do? Go with what you have and move on.
I am grateful to be able to laugh at myself for making simple, silly mistakes. This isn't life or death after all.
Thank you sk for hosting this challenge and being kind enough to understand!
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