Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


If you ever doubted that a Greengage was a type of plum, you only need to see the colour this has turned in its old age. Today I did a serious bit of pruning on my Greengage trees; I've not done anything other than a minor trim since we moved in here 23 years ago and frankly, they were taking over, producing too much fruit, and depositing most of it on the lawn as it was out of reach for picking. Having been used to the lush foliage they look fairly sparse now, but it will do them good in the long term.

Our yard sale went well yesterday; not a lot sold but what did sell was the more expensive items. One or two Blippers will be pleased to know that the two cuddly toys I Blipped yesterday won a reprieve and were not put into the sale. At one point two local police officers turned up jokingly announcing they were there for crowd control; the reality was they were looking out for suspected hare coursing in the area.

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