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By pplnani

Don't be a llama'd

Went for a stroll in the village and I thought I would go into the field behind some houses as I know someone along there keeps 2 or 3 llamas as pets and for wool. At first I couldn't find them but then, in the distance I saw one up by the house, I was so keen to get a photo that I leaned right up agaist the hedge and got absolutely covered with those round sticky balls. I was quite disappointed at not being able to get a clear shot I decided to stand and pick all the balls off my clothes. Some minutes later I looked up and a couple of the llamas had wandered into the field in front of me but were still some way off, but I managed to get a much clearer shot. My joy was shortlived, however, as when I got home and looked at the photos on the computer my camera had overexposed many of them and I'm not sure why (need to dig the manual out and read it again). This is one of the photos that I was able to rescue with a bit of jiggling, he was definitely the cutest llama of the three.

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