Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Tightening one's magic circle.

So it would probably have helped if I could actually crochet before I went to a turn an old t-shirt into a pot class. Then I might not only know how to tighten my magic circle but make one in the first place. The kind tutor lady did that bit before teaching me a novice stitch to do the sides. Here's my half finished effort at the front surrounded by the far more able folk's majestic efforts. Just as well I didn't use one of Dave's good band t shirts. In my defence I was a bit of a shivering wreck. Today was punctuated with embarrassing conversations in public at two pharmacies trying to get advice to try and stop a UTI turning into a kidney infection - too much information I know but my question is - do pharmacists play a secret bingo game where they deliberately shout out embrassing words about you and whisper the rest? Do they also score secret bonus points by gesticulating and waving your medicine about to let everyone know your business? If so, the two I spoke to today totally won the regional heats.

And finally, Haddo looks lovely in twilight, just watch out for the red squirrels and no-roadsense pheasants along the world's longest drive way.

Wishing the crocheter's of the world forever tight, magic circles.

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