Woodland Skills

As regular readers will know Mrs. K. and I are both involved in a Trust which owns and cares for an area of woodland in the centre of the village.
At one end of the wood there is a separate section owned by the Woodland Trust. We look after it on their behalf.
In this latter section there are many young Oaks. We have just felled about a third of them so that those remaining can get more light and continue to grow for hundreds of years.
We are employing skilled woodland contractors who have felled the trees. The logs are cut into sections and then using an axe they are cleft into lengths.
My blip shows lengths being smoothed with a tool which is drawn along them.
Finally they will be made into a Cleft Oak Fence which will run between the lane and the edge of the wood.
I wouldn't be surprised if the fence becomes the subject of a blip in a week or two.

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