Mammogram Day

Spirit sat on the porch tin roof this morning, watching over all that is his kingdom.

I got to start my day by going for my yearly mammogram.  Shortly after I arrived, the tech called both me and another woman (older and obviously retired) back to the mammogram area.  The woman looks at me, then back at the tech and asks her, "I am going to be first, right?"  The tech assures her that yes she is.  As we walk down the hallway she again looks at me and then the tech and again asks "But I will be first?"

I am smiling to myself because I am wondering what is so important in this woman's life that 15 minutes is so important.   When I get called into the mammogram room, I say to the tech, "I can't believe I wasn't first!" with a big grin on my face. She grins back at me.

While getting my mammograms, she explained to me that she hadn't been scheduled to work today and got called in.  After rushing to get her kids to school etc. . . she wasn't yet prepared to deal with that situation with the very first patient!  She appreciated my patience and humour.  We chatted about several things as the mammograms got done.

Now it's home and a few chores.

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