
By SueScape

Sutherland Grove at Barcaldine is a magical place, with lovely woodland walks, waterfalls, cycle tracks round the perimeter and gigantic fir trees. I kid you not, Douglas firs at 50 metres high. That's the equivalent of 30 people standing on each other's shoulders, if you want a picture to help imagination. We managed the entire walk without getting wet, always a bonus.

In keeping with the magic, there is my favourite crinkly crankly fence down to the bridge over the ravine, where the Troll lives. Or trow in Orkney. There he waits with his menacing club.

Just before we reached the bridge today, I met a young man who warned me about the Troll, in case this poor grey haired old thing should be startled out of her remaining wits. He said it nearly scared the ..... out of him, while his girlfriend laughed shakily. We wrinklies are made of sterner stuff, obviously. I told him all you had to do was toss him a penny, he replied that he nearly spent a penny, would that do. His girlfriend was by this time becoming hysterical with embarrassment. I left him photographing the waterfall from a safe distance, and only afterwards wondered if he could possibly have been a fellow blipper. If so, I apologise for making a funny story of you:-)

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