Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

The Joys of Autumn

I do like this time of year. Yesterday we had glorious sunshine and it was warmer than many of our so-called summer days. Today, all mists and mellow etc, if you are a glass-half-full person, dull if you're not.  

But I like the dull days, especially with a bit of drizzle. There's no guilt in ignoring the jungle outside and getting on with more interesting things. Like catching up on the patchwork projects - another one of last year's  finished, at last. Just one more to go.

And messing around with my newly acquired extension tubes. This was the nearest model I could find. Growing in a pot by the back door, it has escaped the worst of the weather. I don't remember what it is, and why I chose it. Not for its restrained elegance, that's for sure.

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