As Promised...

By aspromised

The A team

Angus and Arthur.. they love each other already! Angus watched Arthur intently and smiled and laughed at him, while Arthur worried about Angus and gave him cuddles, so cute!

Today we got the train (A and I) to our friends in Stockton in preparation for her wedding on Saturday! So exciting! It was Angus's first train journey.. it always surprises me how well behaved he is when I expect him to be fussy! Hr was great on the train, had a couple of naps and kept the people around us entertained for a while! I even got a free coffee as I had no cash (only card) and Angus was sleeping on me therefore I was unable to get to the bar in another carriage where card is accepted! The train attendant obviously thought 'she looks like she needs a coffee' and gave me one anyway! Such a small act of kindness that was greatly appreciated... and I did need that coffee.. another sleepless night last night!

Taste of the day: cauliflower cheese purée (does not smell good but he didn't mind it!) Banana on the train.. he loved it as usual! And blueberry wafers.. like the banana ones yesterday.. they melt when wet so it can be messy but he loves them! They also encourage learning to nibble little bits and swallow which is good!

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