
By Lenore


I've spent the evening sewing, nearly finished the blind for the living room, so that'll be ready to be put up in a day or two.  The list of jobs for the husband when he finishes the dissertation are stacking up.... Why I think he has to put the blind up when it's finished rather than me, I have no idea. 

It was a playgroup morning this morning and whilst I think nothing will ever top the wonderful group that was (is) FUF's in Cirencester, this group is very different and quite lovely.  Granny and Grandpa came to visit for the afternoon, which was really nice.  We were distinctively un-exciting with our afternoon with a walk and tea, but all quite enjoyable.  

The husband is out this evening, so I'm home alone.  Somehow, I managed to get the boys down earlier than normal, so have had a good, long evening.  Have just had to rescue the eldest who had his toes attacked by Roger the cat who is in evening skittish mode.  I don't think anyone appreciates being woken up having their toes scratched.  Unfortunately, the cat quite likes sleeping in his cot with him, so that'll have to end as the boy isn't quite so impressed with the arrangement. 

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