Stuart Robertson

By StuartRobertson

Newark Castle

On the way back from Glasgow this afternoon, stopped off to take some pictures of Newark Castle.

Tucked in behind Ferguson Shipyard, it is easy to miss this 15th century castle. The exterior - exquisite Jacobean details make this one of the finest buildings of its time.

The castle is mainly associated to Sir Patrick Maxwell, who was an enlightened and cultured rascal. On the surface he was a respectable citizen and friend to James VI, but behind-the-scenes, a murderer and wife beater.

Maxwell took his dislike for his neighbours to a new height when he murdered two members of the Montgomeries of Skelmorlie, near Largs. It is also said that he killed a member of his own family, another Patrick Maxwell near Paisley. However thanks to his friends in high places, Sir Patrick was never tried for the killings.

Even the term "wife beater" seems too short, too easily tossed into the narrative like something easily forgotten. Margaret Crawford was married to Sir Patrick for 44 years and bore him 16 children. More than once he beat her so fiercely that she was confined to her bed for months.

The castle is cared for by Historic Scotland.

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