Both Sides Now

By issybe

Today I fell in love....

...with a coat! And it went a bit like this...
I went shopping for work clothes. I don't get very excited about it....I am more of a jeans kind of person, so the tailoring department in shops never really calls me. Inevitably I end up in the 'casuals' departments! Which is what had happened when I saw the coat today.
It would have been rude not to try it on....of course it was perfect!
I don't need a coat, I told myself over and over again and walked away. By the time I got home I knew I had fallen hook line and sinker. As I walked through the door I logged on to order it online! Out of stock!!! Horror! Back to the shop..... And it was GONE!! No more in my size! Horror! So I phoned the company to locate one for me....none in my size!! I took matters in my own hands and after a further 2 phone calls... Bingo! A quick 50mile trip, arriving in the multi storey as everyone else is leaving, and I now have MY COAT and we will live happily ever after .... Needless to say I did not find any tailored trousers, skirts or shirts I liked...but I might have been more successful had I looked in the right place!

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