Boats - and trains!

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A lovely drive along the north coast of Norfolk.  Pretty villages of flint built houses with hollyhocks in their gardens, interspersed with huge fields of vegetables.  Eventually we got to our destination Burnham Overy Staithe, and the joy on Mike's face was a picture!  Sailing boats galore!  Lots of lovely old wooden boats, beautiful shapes.

We had a good long walk, saw several folk fishing and met lots of other dog walkers.  Watched a dogfish, about 18"long, swimming round and round an egret as stood in a little pool in the creek. Needless to say, no decent photos of it!    

After lunch wended our way via Cley next the Sea and Wells, past windmills and more beautiful stonework, to Sheringham, where we caught the steam train to Holt and back.  Great fun!  We even got a Rover ticket for Ollie!  Lovely old trains and stations, manned by ever such friendly and helpful old men.  

On a proper caravan site overnight - quite a novelty.  A chance to do some laundry, have a shower, charge up all our electrical bits and bobs and refill the water tank.  I'm beginning to think four days is long enough without mod cons!

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