
By JanetH

Where did the sun go?

I KNOW this is not a good photo and it doesn't pass my quality control but my need to blip has taken preference over the quality control process (didn't think that would happen).

Another long journey - Pouzols to Bezier, Bezier to Luton, then a 3.5hr drive home. Left France in the pouring rain amid a thunder storm and arrived in the UK with glorious sunshine (isn't that the wrong way round?) I am sure there were plenty of missed photo opportunities but my tiredness and need to get home took preference. I kept my eye on the approaching sunset as I drove. The sky was glorious and perhaps I could have diverted off the motorway for a moment but there seemed to be plenty of distance left for the sun to drop and it was still very bright even as I arrived home. I did a quick 15min turn around to go back out to the Beacon for a beautiful sunset picture with a view over our town, representing my return home at last. But in those 15 mins of collecting my filter to cope with the contrast provided by the brilliant sun ... it had disappeared and I was left with very poor lighting and not much of a view.

I tried a few other pictures up on the hill but they were useless and this was the "best" of the bunch! Sorry. BUT it still says to me "I am home".

It will be nice to spend more than four days in the same place after the last 3.5 weeks!

Have backblipped the last two days

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