
Right that's it! I'm building an ark! More rain, lots of it plus a gale. It's been an oddball day. Apart from the weather, I went to pick up a prescription and there was a new pill I had never heard of, seen or used!! Took it back to the chemist & pharmacist said yes it is for you! So I went up to the surgery & read the riot act as to why they decide to prescribe an extra new pill without telling me! They demand your house address, your email, your phone number, your waistline, your weight etc etc so why the Hell can't they either pick up the phone ( oh I forgot, doctors hate speaking to real people) ok what's wrong with texting you or emailing you since they demand all that information ! I left my phone number with instructions on how to actually use the phone so that they can at least have the courtesy to speak to me personally! They sit there earning over 100k and now they have so many hoops people have to jump through to actually speak to the buggers!  I feel sorry for old folks. Our surgery now has a new system that you have to divulge your symptoms (standing in a very public area) to some obnoxious Gestapo trained receptionist who then passes your info to a quack who then phones you, askd you vague open and shut questions then decides if you are worthy of worshiping at their feet! Fine for say folks like myself but not so for some poor auld bugger whose not good on a phone and probably deaf to try to speak to some distant quack! You might as well just Google your symptoms, go online & buy your own pills so poor GPs can do even less work!
On top of all that my Snapseed phone app seems to have been updated, well that's an oxymoron as its hopeless to use and my mobile won't upload so I had to do a roundabout upload of a picture thats not near what I had in the first place. Can you tell I'm just a little grumpy.
 Haven't even taken my BP yet!
Tried booking a meal for 15 people in a prominent West coast town restaurant, when he heard they were all blokes, he said  we don't take large single sex bookings as they are noisy. I said they don't all need to sit together, it was still NON! Got to love Scotland's tourist industry! Their loss,
Morning BP was 160/90 pulse steady at 56  Steady as she goes! Pm figs to follow (pm)  139/81 pulse 66   Best yet!

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