Birthday Sail Past…

I have no idea how they found out but there it was…a special sail past in honour of The Boss’s birthday.  He is xxxx which doesn’t mean that he is in a brewery…but that such sensitive information shall never see the light of Facebook so he will not be receiving all those adds for walking sticks, glasses, rejuvenating creams and retirement homes.  He has some of that stuff already…
I have only known him for about 10 years when he rescued me from a potential career as a TV screen cleaner and took me off travelling on his camera pak. 
What a wonderful time we are having altho I have noticed my fur has faded a bit along with his hair.
The Bossess’s hair however, hasn’t faded at all….Those bits are called foils…Right!  
Tonight we are off to a NZ Symphony Orchestra concert called “Piaonomania” I am looking forward to that…

Happy Birthday Boss..

Tiny Tussock…  

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