
Not many blip options when we arrived in Cadaques after 11 pm. It's been a long day with a good morning attending the IESE Coach Symposium. I had worked quite hard to invite people from abroad and two were able to come along (see yesterday for one...especially if you are Oeilduchat!).

By lunchtime I was feeling a bit fevery-cold but had to plough on with being Chair for one of the breakout groups. It was a fiendishly over-complicated process involving seven groups of ten people circulating in 40 minute chunks among six subject-rooms (I ran one and welcomed three groups in quick succession focusing on stress caused when managing upwards ). The first lot defined the typical behaviours, the second group took that as a starting point and described the typical coaching interventions, and the third group looked a 'next phase' interventions. Still with me? Of course, I had to be in my feet for three solid hours and brief the work done by group one to the second, and then the work done by groups one and two to the third. My shirt was soaking after twenty minutes! And I had only been briefed in the process ten minutes before we started!

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