Dalkeith Country Park

Spent the day having a lark in the park. Excellent. Weather was glorious even if the cloud built up towards the end. All good fun, and what a great place for a memory walk, but no power for hot water or music from our DJ! Disaster! My wee van came to the rescue (it has a 240 Volt generator, hurrah! Music and gallons of tea and coffee, we were saved). The walkers set off then it was discovered there were no "You've Done It" certificates. Disaster!! I and another van came to the rescue - a dash from Dalkeith to Linlithgow to pick up emergency supplies. FYI it takes 2 minutes less to drive from Dalkeith to Linlithgow and back again than it does for the fastest walker to do 8 kilometres, phew!  Big thumbs up, way way high, to all who participated, volunteered and organised (well I say organised...). Off to Glasgow tomorrow. More of the same.

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