
By TracyB71

Bushy Park

Having cancelled Wales i was determined to have a great day today to take my mind off of it. So, up i got at 3.30 am and was in the car by 4.30am and arrived at Bushy Park just before 6.30am. I have never been so scared in my life. I heeded all the warnings about keeping my distance but it's a little hard when they sneak up behind you as you are photographing the one across the little river (whilst congratulating yourself on how safe you are being.) They then started having a go at each other whilst im standing there about 15ft trying very hard not to make a mess.... i slowly stepped away and when far enough away i hid behind a tree and stayed there till they were done. I have to say though, i would do it all again. It definitely took my mind off of missing out on Red Kites.  

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