Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

There really was no contest as to which band would get the top spot today. I'd heard good things about them and so had many others, so District was absolutely packed well before they came on stage - another one out - one in gig. But I was in, so that was OK. The three song rule didn't really apply either as their screamingly intense 30 minute set only comprised three songs and the photographers seemed to have some kind of tacit (certainly not express) agreement we should all vacate the pit half way through. I guess that's fair enough - I don't think the band would have noticed, but it's not fair on the paying punters to have us standing in their line of sight for too long.

And then it started. And it didn't let up until it finished. Not so much a gig as an assault. So far as I can tell, it was their Feed The Rats album played in order and in full, but then it may have been something else completely different. There's no real way of knowing unless you're in the band, and even then I'm not convinced they could tell you what's happening. 

It's the utter madness of gigs like this that sets Psych Fest apart from anything else I've ever known. I can only wonder why they weren't on a bigger stage, but then I wouldn't have been so close to the mayhem.

There were others, too. All good except for one shocker. You'll have to wait for the review on Monday to find out who made the best of and who gets to sit in the bin store.

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