Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Round the Outside

Is that my daughter, or Tirunesh Dibaba? Almost srsly. ;-) I took the kids to the park today while Mrs tsuken was at the gym. I ended up with many many many potential blips, but this was, for me, the clear winner. I absolutely love the compact controlled spring evident in Miss 6's posture as she takes off in a run from the slide round to the other side of the jungle gym thing, and Mstr 5's fantastic lean as he sprints round the outside trying to get there first. They went round and up the steps and down the slide and round and up and down the slide and round... And I got heaps of photos. ;-)

Look larger here.

I also did a B&W conversion, aiming for a contrasty and slightly grainy film kind of look. While I definitely prefer the colour, I really like the B&W as well..

While there I heard a wee scratching in a plant bed beside the playground, and crept thataway. There I found a female Painted Button-Quail.

In other news, I deleted my iPhoto library.

Not to worry, I did it deliberately, and on purpose too. ;-) I've been getting more and more annoyed with iPhoto. Because slow and clunky. And because proprietary library instead of files in folders. So I used a tool called Phoshare to export my entire iPhoto library into a new folder tree organised by date. Then I installed Picasa and pointed it at that tree. That all seems to be working, so I deleted all 132GB of iPhoto library. Kind of needed to, as once all those photos got duplicated, I had 264GB of photos, leaving 700MB of disk space free. The poor old iMac was really struggling for a little while there. xP

And if it all doesn't work, Time Machine still has backups of my iPhoto library.

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