
What a busy day.

As T had been away since Wed I decided we needed a busy day to wear everyone out and promote sleep!

We headed to Basingstoke Aquadrome, a brave move on my own with both children I later discovered. It was fine though, we had fun swimming in the lagoon, C was like a fish diving down with his goggles on and then he went on the yellow flume followed by the more scary blue one which he hadn't attempted before. It can't have been too scary as he went straight back on!

All out and to lunch and then into toys r us to spend C's birthday voucher on Technic Lego (of course)! R spotted this rather tasty Peppa Pig bike and now that's on a v early Christmas list...hmm we'll see!!

Food shop on the way home and relax!

I bundled the children into bed and then my two friends arrived for curry, prosecco, chat and Bad Moms movie. Perfect evening!

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